Growth Groups

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Want to Host a Group?

It’s as easy as 1-2-3! As a Growth Group leader, you’ll simply provide a place for people to connect with others. Growth groups usually run for 6-10 weeks. We’ll provide you with all the coaching and training you need to run a successful group!

We ask all first time group leaders, or those wanting more information on leading a growth group, to attend our Host Training. Email [email protected] to learn more. By reaching out via email, or attending a Host Training you are not signing a contract, so don’t freak out. This is you simply saying, “I am thinking about leading a group and want to learn more.”

Host a Group

Join a Group

Are you looking to deepen your connection with our Rolando Church community? Whether you're new here or have been with us for a while, we believe that life is better shared. It's one thing to sit in rows during our services, but there's an entirely different kind of magic that happens in circles — in our Growth Groups.

With a variety of groups available, we're confident there's a perfect fit for you. From study groups to recreational gatherings, we've created spaces where everyone can feel at home. Explore and find your community today. Don't journey alone; get connected, and discover the difference a circle can make.

Group Finder

Discussion Guides

Dive into Rolando Church's bespoke Group Discussion Guides, created especially for our FOR series. Initiate with enlightening videos from our pastors, then journey deeper into the weekly message. Explore pivotal passages and spark insightful conversations using our curated questions.

Our guides are not just about personal understanding but fostering community ties. They seamlessly merge individual introspection with communal growth. At Rolando Church, we value the profoundness of shared spiritual experiences. Engage, reflect, and evolve with us.

Group Discussion Guides